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2020/11/17 New picture book released

2020/11/17 new work for a picture book is now released on Amazon Kindle e-book!!^^ The physical book will also be available soon by Bookbaby.!! The story is written by amazing authors Dan and Colin Ness from the United States! and illustrated by me^^ It's a cute and lovely story. I had a lot of fun when doing this project.☺️☺️☺️.........

2019/04/06-07大人小孩市集 Art Market

2019/04/06 嗨囉 potato 來擺市集啦 😆😆❤️ 4/6-4/7 南紡購物中心 廣場 大人小孩市集 歡迎大家來找我玩ㄚ 😆😆❤️ 時間:13:00-20:00 現場粉絲團按讚就送你 Potato小貼紙兩張ㄛ 市集消費集點買600就可去服務臺抽獎喔 ❤️ 這麼棒ㄉ活動 在連假結束前 來走走逛逛吧!!

2019/02/09新藝市集 Raw Art Market

2019/02/09 It was my first time setting up a stall in the art market.😊 I’ve been organizing all the stuff that I wanted to display for months. I think the most interesting thing is not only the interaction with customers but also sharing ideas and experiences with other artists. I love it ❤️it was awesome to meet people who.........


2121/01/19 New work - Mushroom Potato Brothers

2121/01/19 It’s drizzling in a misty rainforest. A little potato dog found a nice shelter under a bright red mushroom. Wait… Is that a mushroom..? xp Meet Mushroom Potato brothers!! ^^ Their mission is finding some lost fellows in the rain and be their shelter so they can have a nice rest^^ 🙂 ❤ .......

My name is Huichi. I am an Illustrator from Taiwan. I hope I can share love and happiness with you through my works :-)